Applications Are Now Open for ArtsGoggle 2025!
Are you a local artist, musician, or vendor? Applications are now open for 2025’s ArtsGoggle!
This free-to-the-public, family-friendly event annually hosts more than 1,000 visual artists, 50 musical performances, artistic displays of every kind, food, drink, and fun for everyone. Unlike any event in Fort Worth, the festival exclusively focuses on highlighting the work of local artists, musicians, and performers of all media and experience levels. ArtsGoggle attracts a crowd of 60,000+ patrons that are as diverse as the event’s Near Southside neighborhood. Visitors are invited to park their cars and rediscover this revitalized urban district by Trinity Metro transit, by foot, or by bicycle.

Photo courtesy of ArtsGoggle
ArtsGoggle started over two decades ago as the Near Southside’s own indoor gallery night. Designed to showcase the district’s revitalization efforts underway via newly established businesses hosting one-day open houses in partnership with local artists, the event remained almost exclusively indoors for a decade before spilling out onto the street. Today, visitors are invited to stroll artists’ booths on Magnolia Avenue stretching more than a mile in length, and adjacent businesses, new and old, tout ArtsGoggle as their best day of sales each year.
ArtsGoggle prides itself in providing a casual, approachable, and vibrant environment for appreciating art and learning about the talents of our own community. This non-juried art festival is the launch pad for many artists showing their work for the first time. At the same time, ArtsGoggle draws some of the region’s most-celebrated artists as well. ArtsGoggle provides a supportive setting for both aspiring and professional artists with new collections to display, sell and discuss their artwork.

Photo courtesy of ArtsGoggle
Artists, food vendors, musicians, volunteers and Magnolia Avenue businesses are invited to apply to this year’s festival planned for Saturday, October 11.
For more information, visit

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