BODY BACK® by Fit4Mom Southwest Fort Worth
We made it through another swimsuit season, thank GOODNESS. I’m not sure I really should have been sporting my 2 piece this year, but truth be told I could not face going swimsuit shopping again. It’s not that my weight fluctuates, but rather my tone, in other words I’m flabby (eeck, that word). This may be the case for you, or maybe those extra 5 pounds have turned into 10 or 20 and you’re ready to get your body back! Anna Harrison with Fit4Mom has a program starting soon to help you with your fitness needs. Be sure to check out the giveaway because one Tanglewood Moms reader is in luck!
Body Back® is a results based workout for moms of all ages who want their body back. Each session consists of HIIT workouts twice weekly, along with nutrition guidance, and accountability. Body Back clients no doubt finish 8 weeks feeling inspired and refreshed, having not only lost inches and pounds but regained confidence.
The next 8 week session of Body Back® will be held September 2-October 23 on Wednesday and Friday at 5:30am at Wedgwood Baptist Church. For this session only, each registrant will pay a $50 deposit (applied to your final bill) to hold a spot. After the first 2 registrants, the entire group will receive $5 off of their final price for each additional sign-up (a savings of up to $50 if the session fills to 12 moms). You will be charged the final price the night before the session begins.
Ready to sign up? Click HERE
One lucky reader will get 1 month of unlimited Stroller Strides or Stroller Barre classes for FREE. Simply comment with what article of clothing you know you want to fit into once you get your body back. Good luck!

Jeans! I’ve never been comfy in jeans and I would love to rock a pair this fall!!
Winter leggings! I want to wear them with my tall boots which I couldn’t fit my calf in to while pregnant!
Riding boots with leggings! My lower legs are just to big to fit. It’s frustrating :/
Congrats Nicki! You won the Fit4Mom giveaway!!
Hoping to shed those last 5 so I can fit back into my skinny jeans after baby girl arrived in January!
Skinny jeans!
I’d love to get back into my pre-pregnancy jeans before football season gets cool.
I have a cute shirt that my husband LOVES but the lace is currently digging in my arms making it look like a cheese grater. My goal is to wear this shirt like a BOSS!