Influencing with Purpose: Jenn Kautsch of Sober Sis
We started Influencing with Purpose to shine a spotlight on local social media influencers who use their platforms for more than self-advertising. For our health and wellness issue, who better to feature than Jen Kauch, the founder of Sober Sis? [Editor’s Note: We had to edit Jenn’s answers for space in the magazine, but here, we don’t have space restrictions! These are Jenn’s words, completely untouched and unedited.]
Madeworthy: What made you want to pursue an alcohol-free lifestyle?
Jennifer Kausch: Well, I was stuck in what I call the “detox to retox” loop. Super healthy and mindful by day only to turn around and undo it with mindless sipping in the evenings! Ugh. “Wine o’clock” had just become a habit, a part of every social event and I thought of it like a “reward” at the end of a long day. Almost a decade ago, when I was in my mid 40’s, I realized how much I was living on “autopilot” and I became motivated to make some healthy changes in my life and decided to start by changing my relationship with alcohol. Little did I know that this would be the lead domino empowering me in other areas of improvement and freedom!
MW: What is a “gray area” drinker?
JK: It’s been so eye opening to understand there is a FULL drinking spectrum and the majority of those who drink are somewhere in the middle. Gray area drinking refers to a pattern of alcohol consumption that falls between casual drinking and alcohol dependence or addiction. It’s characterized by drinking habits that can seem socially acceptable and have no big “rock bottom” or negative external consequences. However, it’s internally problematic because it can start to feel like a (poor) default coping strategy for stress, anxiety, loneliness or even boredom. People in this category might feel conflicted about their drinking and an internal game of mental tug-of-war. They often set limits (“I’ll only have one glass”) but struggle to stick to them, leading to regret or guilt. Unlike physical alcohol dependence, the gray area drinker can stop on their own at any time but may find it hard to give it up completely because many find their habits supported and even normalized by a society that glamorizes and promotes alcohol at every turn. As someone who’s been there, it’s important to ask yourself the right questions. Comparison is a trap and it’s vital to look at your own personal relationship with alcohol. Rather than, “Is it bad enough?” it’s better to ask, “Is it good enough…is this serving me?”
MW: When did you start Sober Sis and what was/is your goal of helping other women stop the “detox to retox” cycle?
JK: I started SoberSis in 2018 because I had experienced a new found joy and freedom in my life and I wanted to share it with other women! I was blown away learning the science behind alcohol and was relieved to know I wasn’t broken. Honestly, as I say in my book Look Alive,Sis , I had more of a thinking problem than a drinking problem! I was looking for a community of like-minded women who wanted to take a holistic approach by focusing on mind, body and spirit. Most groups I found were strong in one aspect but not the others. I wasn’t searching for a “sobriety club” as much as a sober minded sisterhood where we could bring all the layers of the journey together. Also, I’m not a fan of labels and the word sober comes loaded with stigma and stereotype. I’m more interested in the term “sober minded” which I describe as being awake, alert, aware and PRESENT. This journey is one of more presence, not just less alcohol. You can see there are some nuances here and I could not find what I was looking for so…I created it.
MW: With close to 40K having participated in a SoberSis monthly reset challenge, tell us what it’s like for you helping women on their journey.
JK: Well, first off, it is humbling and has become my life’s work to create this safe space for women to grow personally and in connection with others! I always say it’s a personal journey but not a solo one! We are so much stronger together than we are apart. Our sisterhood literally has a sister representing every state and multiple continents. Our community thrives in diversity and has an age range that spans six different decades. The power of women supporting women is like rocket fuel when it comes to making the world a better place – all by starting with ourselves and letting the ripple effect spread throughout our families, communities and the world! This is done through practicing one’s PRESENCE versus being numbed out and playing small in our own lives! I’ve been doing this work full time for 7 years and my passion continues to deepen as I feel driven to keep going. There’s someone reading this right now who needs to know there is great hope and she’s not alone. I show up everyday because there’s still a woman at the kitchen sink doing dishes, on her third glass of wine thinking -”How in the world did I get here?” That woman was me.
MW: There is a whole new world of non-alcoholic drinks and mocktails due to a growing number preferring an alcohol free lifestyle.
JK: It’s so exciting because many people are choosing to drink less (or not at all) for a variety of reasons, including overall health! We want to have elevated, tasty and even wellness based options, such as those with adaptogens while not compromising our sober mind. What may have started as a “trend” with the term sober curious becoming known has turned into a full blown movement! In the past 8 years, I have become a major promoter and even officially partnered with many of the companies in the AF beverage space. I encourage women in our community to ask for alcohol free options when they’re out at restaurants or at stores because I believe as consumers we vote with our dollars. If the demand is there, the market supply will be too and we’ve seen this happen! The no- and low-alcohol beverage market grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25% between 2019 and 2023, with a projected 15% CAGR from 2023 to 2027. Sales in this category surged, including a 32% rise in 2023 compared to just a 1% increase for traditional alcoholic beverages.
MW: How does faith play a role in your life and in your business?
JK: My faith is everything to me and very nuanced at the same time. Let me explain. I’m all about having a personal relationship with Jesus but not so much with “religion.” As a mom, I felt guilt around my drinking at times. As a Christian mom, it was a complete double down of shame. In my mind, the tape would play words like “Why can’t I get this together!?!” I would pray on my back patio (while I was drinking) asking God to take away my desire for the glass of wine I was holding onto so tightly. Honestly, I wanted to not want it. I wanted to be free. When I realized God wanted to partner with me and work on this together, I began to examine my core beliefs. Rather than just focus on behavior modification or the illusion of control through a bunch of rules (legalism), I began the daily journey of surrendering all parts of me, including my will and my dreams. This opened up space for mental, emotional and spiritual clarity. I went from living with a divided mind to daily renewing my mind, which involves aligning our thoughts with God’s truth. I believe God’s work through us is directly tied to His work within us. When we trust God with our insecurities and imperfections, He can accomplish something that’s far bigger than we can imagine. Here’s where it gets interesting, I make decisions based on core values and lead from a place of authenticity. This means I bring my faith into everything I do AND leave space for others to show up authentically as well. When navigating spiritually in a diverse group setting, I believe God can reveal Himself to others as originally and uniquely as He has with myself! So I don’t see SoberSis as a religious organization or a place where I push my beliefs on others but rather a place for the “spiritually curious” to feel just as safe as the “sober curious”.
MW: Who inspires you? What are you reading?
JK: I love to read mainly for learning and inspiration. It’s important to me that I stay caught up with the latest on mental/emotional health topics as well as current research in the field of neuroscience! We are learning so much about the brain and how it can be rewired by changing our beliefs and practicing through repetition. For inspiration and encouragement, I enjoy books on leadership as well as growing in my faith journey. One of my favorite authors is Susie Larson and I literally re-read her books!
MW: Now tell us about your book! What went into publishing a book and what messages are you sharing there?
JK: My first book came out in April 2023 just in time to launch at a 300 person LIVE SoberSis event in Dallas! The book is titled, “Look Alive, Sis: 40 Days to Awaken Your Sober Mind” It’s exciting because it’s a light read for someone “sober curious” as well as encouraging those further on the journey. It’s a 40 day reader with each short chapter having a “soberminded seed” to plant in the garden of your mind. It’s topical and many of the stories were taken from my own experience as well as those from our SoberSis Tribe. The process of writing this book was unique because it was pulled together from much of my previous writing in blogs and social media. I do believe there is another book inside of me that will be more personal and an expansion of my 10 week online course where I go into the foundational pillars of creating an alcohol free lifestyle.
MW: What does the future hold for you? What outcomes of leading this movement would make you most proud?
JK: Great question! When I started SoberSis, I had no idea what God had been preparing to do. I quickly realized, in an effort to reach as many women as possible, I was going to need to run it as a business, even though we’ve got the heart of a ministry. When I started at age 47, it was just me and my visionary husband Craig. Now, at almost 54 years old with a well-developed infrastructure and a full-time team of people behind me, it’s exciting to think of new ways to get the message out there. I’ve recently pursued more speaking at women’s retreats and conferences. It was a pleasure holding 2 workshops at MomCon in Denver through The MomCo this past fall! (formally known as MOPS).
I see it as a joy and privilege to have clear purpose and passion- especially during this “empty nester” season! I know there are new seasons ahead and the way I prioritize my time and energy will change too. I continue to seek a clear vision for the future from the One who has already gone before me. I believe God will always make a way for women to step into more freedom and live fully alive through our sisterhood. I believe only three things will last for eternity: God, His Word and the souls of people. That’s where I want to invest and leave a legacy.