A Thank You to All the Dads
Every year, we thank moms on Mother’s Day. (We are, after all, Tanglewood MOMS!) Until now, we’ve never thanked the dads. So to remedy this egregious error, we say thank you to all the dads!
Thank you to the dads who are there for every ballgame, every recital, every school program and award ceremony. Enjoy today – you’ve earned it!
Thank you to the dads who are working to support their family so they have to miss games and programs. We understand and think you are rockstars.
Thank you to the dads who are being both mom and dad, for whatever reason. You are doing a heroic thing and are doing it wonderfully.
Thank you (from the bottom of my heart) to the dads who adopt a child and who society judges just because their children don’t carry their DNA. I and so many like me owe you our lives.
Thank you to the stepdads who are walking the line between being a parent and being a friend. It’s sometimes difficult and always fraught, but we see you and know what you’re doing.
Thank you to the dads who are terrified that they’re doing it wrong, who are up nights worrying about their children. You really are doing it right.
Thank you to the dads of grown children. We still need you.
For the dads who are mourning the loss of their children, no matter the age or reason, you are in our hearts, and we stand with you in grief.
For the dads who wonder where their children are and if they’re all right, we pray with you.
For the dads who have just had a shouting match with your child, complete with “You’re the worst,” “I hate you,” and slammed doors, we know you’re not the worst. They do, too. It may take a little while, but they’ll remember it.
To everyone who has lost their dad, we know your loss is enormous, and we honor his memory.
To those who never knew their dad, we celebrate your strength and resilience.
Thank you to all the dads. You helped to make us who we are, and we’re proud to call you Dad.

Wonderful photos.