Memories of Martin Luther King, Jr’s Visit Fading But Landmarks Remain
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. slept here, in a home off Evans Avenue as the guest of a Christian author.

The home where King slept in 1959 is one of few remaining on now mostly vacant Stewart Street.
Photo credit: Bud Kennedy, Star-Telegram
That same day in 1959, he was a coffee guest of seminary professors in a home on Bellaire Drive West.
The memory is fading now, but King is not some long-ago historical figure. He spoke downtown Oct. 22, 1959, at the long-gone Majestic Theater, 1101 Commerce St..
His topic: “A Great Time to Be Alive.”
This article, written by Bud Kennedy, can be read in its entirety here. It is shared with permission from and thanks to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.