It’s So Much More Than a Race, It’s a Thanksgiving Tradition
Holidays are all about family traditions. The ancestral Easter basket that three generations have used while hunting eggs. The beloved yet admittedly ugly Christmas tree topper that has pride of place. Aunt Alberta’s potato salad, without which no Fourth of July cookout is complete.
Thanksgiving, even more than other holidays, is all about traditions. From Great-Great-Great-Grandmother Rachel Elizabeth’s gravy boat to Uncle Charlie’s insistence on the marshmallow-topped yams that no one eats, our holiday traditions strengthen our connection to our family and comfort us.
For 43 years, the YMCA Turkey Trot has been a Thanksgiving tradition for many Fort Worthians. Whether they walk the 1K, jog the 5K, or run the 8K, thousands start Thanksgiving morning at the Turkey Trot. In doing so, they celebrate with and give back to their community. I recently talked with Jacklinn Sotello, the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth’s Executive Director of Community Health, and Keith Kotar, Course Director, about the 2024 Turkey Trot.

Photo courtesy of the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth
“It’s so much more than a run,” Jacklinn said. “It’s a tradition that people participate in year after year. We have a costume contest – it’s great to see all the turkeys running! There’s a kid zone by Alley Cats Entertainment. We have a DJ. Families run with their dogs and strollers. You’re going to start your Thanksgiving off right and get your steps in early!”
This is the second year that the Turkey Trot has been at The Shops at Clearfork. The courses for the races have been updated after last year. “Last year, the big issue was getting in and out while the races were starting,” said Keith. “We’ve moved the starting line from Monahans Avenue to south of Marathon Avenue. Monahans Avenue will be open to traffic the entire time.”
Another change for 2024 is the VIP Package. Available to only400 registrants, the upgrade add on includes a pass to the VIP tent where you can have breakfast, an exclusive VIP t-shirt in addition to the race shirt, a designated starting line coral, and what might be the most enticing perk – dedicated restrooms.
A perk available to all runners on the day of the race is a 10% discount at Marché Bleu. The market and coffee bar planned to be closed on Thanksgiving, but when they heard about the Turkey Trot, they decided to open for the day and offered the runners a discount. If that’s not Fort Worth spirit, I don’t know what is!

Photo courtesy of the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth
Another perk for runners this year is non-members registered for the race can join any location of the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth with no fees through December 31!
Last year, a little more than 10,000 people registered for the races, and 15,000 showed up. This year, the YMCA is capping the number of participants, so be sure to register early! “While we love people who just walk up to register for the run on the day-of, we can’t guarantee that all runners will get their desired shirt sizes if they wait until Thanksgiving to register,” Jacklinn said. Keith added, “Remember to get there early. Ten thousand people is a lot.”
You don’t have to be a member of the YMCA to run the Turkey Trot, and you don’t need to register to join the free activities, kids zone and vendor fair that accompany the race day event. .
Beyond the camaraderie, the tradition, and the exercise, you’re giving back to your community when you run the Turkey Trot. Your registration fee goes back to support the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth’s scholarship programs. While you get your steps in and enjoy a beautiful fall morning along the Trinity, you’re helping people access all the YMCA offers. And nothing is more quintessentially Fort Worth than helping others while having fun with your family and friends.
To learn more about the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth’s Turkey Trot, click here.