Servant’s Heart
As the holiday season quickly approaches sneaks up on us, I am feeling the spirit. These months mark the end of another year, and as many people do, I begin to reflect on my year. 2015 was full of personal triumph and struggles, but ultimately, the best year yet. Since becoming a new mom in March, I now know the meaning of selflessness. I’m up all hours of the night nursing my daughter, more worried about the state of her clothes and hair rather than my own, and put her needs first. In just eight short months, she has made me a better person all around.
Today as baby girl and I were running errands, I detoured off the highway to grab some lunch. Turning off the frontage road, there was a man with a sign. I’m not sure what it said, if he was asking for food, money or work, but I decided I would buy him lunch. As I grabbed some burgers, I started thinking about ways to give back this year, and how to incorporate it into my life year round.
Here are some ideas for those families looking to give back this holiday season, and into 2016.
Pay It Forward- We hear about this at Starbucks a lot, but it can happen anywhere. See that mom across the restaurant with a tantrum throwing toddler and a crying newborn? Picking up the $7 tab for her half eaten meal may turn her day around.
Angel Tree- The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program gives families the opportunity to buy gifts for children who may otherwise not have anything to open Christmas morning. This is great to do with your children, having them buy gifts for another boy or girl their age. This year, you can also donate online. Hulen, Ridgmar, and DFW.
Local Charities
Follow your passion. If you have a heart for animals, consider donating bags of food or blankets to a shelter near you. Do an inventory in your pantry. Are you hoarding 17 cans of green beans that you can donate to the food bank? Has your daughter recently left for college and you’re storing prom dress she’ll never wear again? There are even organizations that collect those for girls who can’t afford their own Cinderella dress or for military brides with no cost to the recipient. Try Tarrant Area Food Bank, Saving Hope, and We’re All About The Dress.
International Charities
For those who want to make an impact worldwide, consider donating an animal to a family in need. Visit World Vision and Yoga Gives Back
These are all options that cost money, but there is one that doesn’t cost a penny. If you can donate your time, whether it be an afternoon or an hour, sometimes that can make all the difference. By volunteering at your child’s school, the local soup kitchen or being a YMCA basketball coach, you can make an impact.
For those of you with a servant’s heart, I admire you and hope to find more time in my day to be like you. So count your blessings, and if you can, give back- that’s what the holiday season is all about.
Written by Andrea Grisso
New mom, surviving on coffee and chocolate.

What a GREAT article! I am always looking for more ways to give back to the community in FTW. Thanks for contributing!