#ThisIsForty-(One). Part I.
I turned 41 this month {insert shocked and sad emoji face}. It’s funny because when people ask me how old I am I continue to answer 40 (because THAT’S a badge of honor) and then I have to remind myself, no, I’m 41. Forty-one. Sigh. I’m not anywhere close to where I want to be with my personal and lifelong goals. I am certainly taking steps to get myself there, and if you know about my jewelry line, you will know just how important being intentional and goal setting is to me. What I do know is that for the bulk of the last 9 years I have been pregnant, nursing, pregnant, nursing, pregnant with twins, nursing said twins, running multiple businesses and raising these little people as well as trying to be a good wife for my husband. It’s A. LOT. I am not looking for sympathy here because as moms we all go through the normal ups and downs of motherhood. I am not complaining one bit either, I truly wouldn’t have it any other way. What I do know is that I have been there so much for everyone around me for a very long time and I hardly ever take time to address my own wants and needs. I don’t splurge on big or even small purchases, I have a very modest home, I drive a mini-van for goodness sake. I am your stereotypical soccer mom who volunteers at the school on occasion, enjoys a couple of girls’ nights here and there, but for the most part I am with the kids or working.
I’m sure you’ve heard that song on the radio with the lyrics “This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I’m ALRIGHT song”. As I prepared to write this blog post that song popped into my head. It might be because I finally did something just for me today. I am fighting for me. It certainly is going to sound vain, but I don’t care. I have been unhappy with my appearance and the deepening lines on my brow for the last couple of years and I am ready to do something about it. I have close friends who get Botox regularly and look fantastic. I am a virgin to it though, mostly because of the expense, but also because I am a little fearful. You’re getting injected with a toxin, it sounds scary but it’s FDA approved and has been used on millions of men and women. I do encourage you to do your own research for benefits and risks associated with the treatment.
A couple of weeks ago I attended a talk at Dr. Camp’s office to discuss injections and fillers as well as cosmetic surgery. There are plenty of options in Fort Worth and I encourage you to schedule multiple consultations if you are looking to have minor or major cosmetic work done. The following week I set an appointment to have Botox injections. And today was the big appointment. I had no idea the protocol for going in, so I opted to go without any make up as you can see in the picture below (insert monkey covering his eyes emoji).
I took the picture with my iPhone with natural daylight to show you the lines on my brow and around my eyes. The hyperpigmentation on my face will be my next battle, but I’m taking one step at a time.
I arrived at the appointment and had a short wait in the waiting room while I consumed massive amounts of watermelon infused water they had in the foyer. I made a note to self to prepare this at home, because Lord knows I need to drink way more water than I do. Dr. Camp’s staff were all very sweet and quickly got me back to the procedure room where I spoke with Dr. Camp for over an hour prior to getting Botox. I’ll leave that talk to a future blog post, but I was able to ask a million more questions about a surgery I have been thinking about as well as listen to what my options are.
We were then ready to begin the Botox treatment. The conversation prior to the procedure assuaged any nerves that were left and so I just laid back in the chair as he cleaned my face with an alcohol wipe. The first several shots were not painful at all, like tiny little bee stings. If you’ve had children, you’ve been through WAY worse. The injections at the top of my forehead were a touch painful, but totally manageable. I hardly noticed the shots around my crow’s feet. I actually love that term, it perfectly describes the wrinkles around your eyes. I don’t mind the appearance of crow’s feet so much. I think it shows that you spend time laughing and enjoying life to its fullest. In my case I may have a few too many crows putting their dirty feet on my face. Dr. Camp knew I wanted to have a very soft subtle change. He said some request the frozen look, not this girl. He injected me with about 60% of what he would most patients. Again, I am taking baby steps to a more youthful appearance. I never want to LOOK like I’ve had work done, it will be our little secret…ok? Pinky swear? 😉
So here I am immediately after being shot up. A few little red dots, some of them being where he marked me up with a red pen. I was able to hang out there for a bit and relax and take lots of embarrassing selfies. All in the name of spreading good information to you ladies of Fort Worth so you can decide if it’s time to chant your own Fight Song.
This next picture I took right after I left the office and got in my car. You can already notice that the red marks and swelling had been reduced in minutes. Dr. Camp said it would be a few days before the effects would kick in. I’ll be sure to update with pictures then.
As soon as I got home I loaded up the 4 kids and took them to the pool for a few hours. Now here’s the advice I will pass along to you. I wasn’t prepared for there to be a little dull throbbing pain and wished I had brought an Advil with me. As soon as I got home I took one and the pain quickly subsided. All in all, I am happy that I made the decision to invest in my appearance. I will continue to keep fighting the sands of time by eating well, exercising as much as I can, and treating myself to some minor cosmetic procedures. (insert lady dancing in a red dress having a hella good time emoji)
As a treat to Tanglewood Moms readers, Dr. Camp is offering a major giveaway. If you don’t know how amazingly awesome this is, just trust me. It’s the biggest giveaway we’ve had on the blog, and might ever have on the blog. Huge. I wish I were eligible to win!
One winner will receive one round of Botox, a hydrafacial and skin care analysis with Visia. Please comment on the blog with how you’ve earned one of those laugh lines or wrinkles (we welcome funny stories). One person will be chosen at random and announced on Sunday night (Aug 30th) on the blog. Good luck everyone!
Steven Camp, MD is board certified in general surgery and plastic surgery and is a member of both the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He was recently recognized in the RealSelf Top 100. Dr. Camp is also a member of the Texas Medical Association and the Tarrant County Medical Society.
THE WINNER IS Erin, with email: erinreed20@….. I’ll email you shortly with details!

I’m starting to look just like my mom! We both laugh and smile all the time!
I have forehead lines from all the times I raise my eyebrows at my kids!
My three year old asks, “Mommy, why are you making THAT face?” Not good! I want my mean mommy 11’s gone!
Major laugh lines (probably should have been frown lines) happened when I caught Daniel chugging a bottle of Mrs. Buttworth at age 3 – thanks to daddy letting him see that part of Super Troopers!
Laughing with my girls.
For someone who wasn’t supposed to be able to have children…I have gratefully, thankfully earned my laugh lines and wrinkles while raising my three kids!! Here’s to looking and staying young(er) while keeping up with them!!!
My oldest started kinder this week. I think that automatically gave me a few more wrinkles and gray hairs!
Oh, wrinkles (and gray hair) have been the story of my life for the past 9 years! My story isn’t too funny (sorry), but I’ve managed to get through it with lots of humor! I’m a Detective in a local law enforcement agency and I’ve worked crimes against children for the last 4+ years (not a pleasant topic). Aside from that, I’ve also been dealing with “unexplained infertility” for the last 4 years. I’m a cop – I don’t do this unexplained crap! Needless to say, my husband, beautiful stepson, dear friends and lots of laughter have kept me going through it all! Through all the laughter, tears, stress, and anxiety, my wrinkles have taken over my face & would absolutely love to do something about them! I’m only 33, isn’t that too young for wrinkles and gray hair!?
After struggling for years to get pregnant, my husband and I decided to try IVF. Having to inject multiple hormones on a daily basis into my body added some wear and tear. I now have brown spots on my face and neck from all the hormones. It was totally worth it bc now we have 3 beautiful boys and we feel so blessed. I still have the brown spots and many wrinkles to go along with it thanks to lots of laughs with our boys!
I’m a tired new mommy and would love a fresh face look!
My laugh lines get a little deeper every time I get to see my 9 year play with his 1 year old brother!! The laughs that come from those play times are priceless!!
Some of my lines have been well earned with laughter over the years and those make me happy! BUT, a great deal more of them are due to raising my eyebrows in surprise of the craziness I endure both at work (with men) and at home (with boys)!
I say those males whether big or small never cease to amaze me, but my lines show that they do!
Foster Parenting. 2 toddlers. At once. With 3 hours notice. *Enter: shock & awe, panic & more panic, tons of prayers & some cussing, tears & laughter … to keep from crying more*
Watching my 9 year old play with his 1 year old brother deepens my laugh lines! Those play times are worth the lines even I do want them to look a little better!
As a single 41 year old mother to a 9 month old (He was a surprise blessing) I was told many years ago there was only a 15% chance of ever having a child. Well…All in God’s timing , You can see every joyful day of 41. I’ve not been as tired or more full of love and joy than I have these last nine months. Worth every line. But it sure would be nice to feel pretty.
Laughing with my boys!
Laughing with my babies and waiting for my third!
Over 18 years of giving my sons “that look” combined with the look of shock that stayed on my face for nine months when I found out I was pregnant again at forty has left permanent lines on my face. Those are the lines my daughter always includes in drawings of me. YIKES! I call them my lines of character.
After having 3 girls in 3.5yrs, I would LOVE to do something for myself like this! But all the wrinkles, stress, and sleepless nights are worth it!!!
My 7 year old told me the other day…”Mom, you’re turning 40 next year. You’ might start getting wrinkles.” Oh sweet boy. Who doesn’t even notice. I smiled big and all those wrinkles showed up even more. 🙂
Also enjoying my 41 years! Loved your post!
Laughing my way through this crazy life with my boys!
My oldest told me the other day that he wants to get on the roof of my parents’ house and jump into their pool. Definitely earned a wrinkle or two with that conversation!!
wow I really need this. Many said stories to tell about why I look this way, but I would rather just say that I would like to see my eyelids once again!
my forehead lines are from years of teaching and raising my eyebrows at all of the hilarious things kids say and do and now that I’m a SAHM I get the pleasure of enjoying the funny things my own child (soon to be children) does!
I’m pregnant now and after I finish nursing this child I will have been pregnant and/or nursing for almost four years! I will need a refresher!
Thanks for your honesty on a subject most people don’t want to talk about!
Melasma (hyperpigmentation) has been one of my biggest struggles. Years of hormones from birth control and two pregnancies have really done a number on my face. I also have deep forehead lines and crows feet that have appeared from years of laughter and sorrow.
Making goofy faces at my third baby brings out the wrinkles!
My lines started when I was teen as I thought it was better to drive without sunglasses than with them! Hello squinty eyes! That and my natural tendency to wrinkle my brow have given me most of the lines I have. Oh and lots of laughing and smiling too! 🙂
My two girls keep me laughing all the time! I have never done Botox but have been wanting to look into it! Thanks for sharing your story!
Victoria, as a lover of Botox but even
more my hubby Dr. Steven Camp I think you captured this experience in a unique, funny, and beautiful way. You are such a role model to us Tanglewood moms and our Tanglewood littles. Amazing????
Sadly, I was blessed with forehead wrinkles in my 20s. :-/ Now that I’m a new mom at 34, I feel like I look older than my years. Would love the opportunity to freshen my face!
My laugh lines were well earned from my days with you at Inscriptions where we’d giggle on ends at invitations, nightmare brides, lunch, unpacking boxes…. Fun times!
I do have wrinkles now that I have 3 kids 🙂
I have a 3.5 yo, 22 month old, and 3 month old! Needless to say, I have more wrinkles from from the smiling & laughing and constant worrying!
Laughing, crying, soaking up the sun, enjoying wine, all the great things in life that give us these wonderful marks. And of course, the 3 beautiful, energetic children, whom I am trying to keep up with and keep in line!!!!
I have four boys :)) Momma could use a little “me” girly time!!
Living life to the most! Kids and all:)
One year of moving 3 times, renovating a home along with my husband and doing a lot of our own work has aged me 5 years! I earned it all!
41 years of chasing dreams (and learning that some really can be caught) has resulted in many laughs, tears, worries and of course the wrinkles to accompany the expression!
My kids are to blame for all the recent lines on my face!! They make me laugh, and then the next minute they make me crazy! My daughter likes to pull at my eyes and put makeup on me. I’m sure that’s just super for my skin!
Raising three children!
I’m pretty sure A LOT of mine are due to swintting to see, but of course I DO NOT need glassss??
Ever heard of Resting Bitch Face? It’s REAL and I have had it since middle school. “What’s the matter?” “What’s wrong?” “Are you okay?” YESSSSS!!!! It’s just my face..and those awesome frown lines.. 😉
My oldest son started high school this week. I feel like I did in high school but I sure don’t look it!
I’m Italian! I use every square inch of my face to express myself when talking, and I talk A LOT. Forehead lines, crows feet, laugh lines, OH MY!
Mine are from not getting a full night’s sleep in four years. Coincidentally, my son just celebrated his fourth birthday!
/ Too much squinting in the bright Texas sun because I forgot my shades…Again…
Well, this mom who didn’t intend to be is thankful for my babes, but appalled at what they’ve done to my body/face. I like to think my dark spots come from the times we spend playing outside, and my forehead lines come from the crazy faces we make to see each other laugh. As for the changes in my body, I bet, let’s not go there!!! Thanks for your honesty, V!!!
Sending my firstborn to kindergarten! Great blog!
I thought you looked like you were glowing yesterday at pick up! So glad you treated yourself. I would LOVE to do the same. Pregnancy insomnia and a 5 year old who never sleeps have taken a toll on me and I am looking old!!! About to have this baby and would love me some Botox! Thanks for sharing your journey V!
Laughing because I’m close to 40!
YAY!!! Erin, you are tonight’s BIG winner!! I’ll email you with the details!
Love the honesty and good info in this blog post! My crows feet need help, but love how I got them…lots of laughs with family and friends!
I would love this because over the past few weeks, one of my children has suggested I purchase the “car cane” which is a device that helps the elderly exit their cars. And, another suggested I purchase something he saw that helps older people pick things up if they can’t bend down easily anymore. So, apparently I look as antiquated as I feel these days!! ? Great blog! Thank you for your honest post! I loved reading it since I can totally relate!
Looking good, Victoria!
My oldest is a senior in high school and my baby is a freshman this year! Proud of all of my smile lines, because they are due to them and my husband! But as I am back at work full time and contemplating an empty nest in 4 years (and 1/2 an empty nest in less than a year) it’s time for a refresh! 🙂
i need everything raised!
I turn the big 3-0 soon and seriously feel like I notice more lines every morning ?
Four kids in four years…all single births!! Enough said to explain the laugh lines and wrinkles. I am blessed. God is so good!!
I LOVE Botox! I have no shame in admitting that, nor any shame that I get it done! It really does make me feel better and it truly helps diminish the creases between my eyes that I am inheriting from my (beautiful) mama;). I also love that it decreases my forehead lines and gives me a tiny brow lift. So, thank you for sharing Victoria! You are lovely with or without Botox! ?