So You Have a New Puppy
So you have a new puppy – you’re not alone! Last fall we got Gypsy because our kids were ready to learn to be responsible pet owners and we had so much love to give a new furry friend.
When I got our new puppy I thought I knew everything I needed to know about new pet ownership. What I learned is that each puppy is unique and will respond to training differently. Our new puppy really guided us in what worked and what didn’t and listening to her helped us be better pet owners. Gypsy has been such an amazing addition to our family, I thought I would share what we have learned the past 7 months. There are some affiliate links below, but feel free to search and find these products on your own!
First of all, if you are on the fence about adopting or buying a new dog let me just say that dog or puppy therapy is real. I had no idea how much love this little thing would be giving back to me. I haven’t had any official testing, but I’m pretty sure my stress level has reduced and exercise has increased just by having her around. I keep pretty busy with work, but Gypsy helps me take much needed breaks. I’ve enjoyed these forced breaks because it allows me to be outside with her,
Potty training. Wow. It was just not working the first 2 weeks we had her. I thought I was doing everything right, but it was not clicking. We had just recently purchased new rugs for the living room, entry and kitchen and I was not about to let her ruin those. I finally happened upon a YouTube video that shows how to train with a bell.
TWO DAYS is all it took us! Golden Retrievers might naturally be motivated by treats, so I think that helped us. Once she realized that every time she rang the bell and went outside we would give her a treat – she got it! Now this might not be the best way, but I gave her a piece of her puppy food whether she went potty or not. She did go through a phase and would ring the bell every 5 minutes, and we would just redirect her attention and wait until a half hour or hour passed before allowing her to go outside to potty and get a treat.
While we’re on the subject of potty time, let’s discuss picking up after our sweet Fido and Fifi. We love to take Gypsy for walks, but I’ve also been very conscious of the products I want to use that help me be a better steward of the environment. These pet waste bags are biodegradable and certifed biobased by the USDA. For backyard pick-up, I prefer using a pooper scooper and keeping a trashcan nearby so that you don’t need to use individual bags, just one biodegradable trashcan liner.
Medium-sized dogs like Gypsy make numerous sizable “deposits”, so I feel like making these changes in what we purchase for her helps us reduce our waste and also helps end plastic pollution. Click here to purchase these bags:
How many times have you seen posts in Tanglewood Moms or the Next Door app with a dog that running loose in the neighborhood. Sometimes the dogs are super friendly and come to the person who found them, but sometimes they are too quick or too skittish to be caught. That’s what I love about these pet collars. The phone number is listed quite large right on the collar in bold contrasting colors. Here’s the link to purchase them:
We had Gypsy spayed when she turned 6.5 months. Our vet said it helps protect against certain cancers and that if you don’t plan on having puppies, then spaying before they go into their first heat is now recommended. I was a nervous wreck as a new pet mom, but I shouldn’t have worried! She’s a couple of weeks out since the surgery and she’s recovered like a champ! While she was at the vet having the surgery, we also decided to have her chipped. Our vet used, but there are several reputable options. Since we haven’t had a new pet in over 15 years, we hadn’t microchipped a pet before. It’s a simple and inexpensive procedure that doesn’t require anesthesia and is as painful as getting a normal vaccine. We chose to put the charm on her collar that alerts animal control or a vet that she has been microchipped. We now have huge piece of mind!

Gypsy after her surgery
Victoria Wise publishes a magazine in Fort Worth,TX, raises 4 awesome kids with her loving husband, and makes time as a board member for non-profits Lone Star Film Festival and Connected Commerce Council. Some of her accomplishments includes being a part of Facebook’s SMB Council, being a Founding Member of TCU Neeley School’s Women to the Power of 10, receiving the Legacy of Women Award, and having a successful sale of a previous business. She just completed a Kickstarter that reached 100% of their funding goals for newly launching UPPA TEA.