A Message from Our Associate Publisher Jennifer Kieta
Hi, Fort Worth. How are you?
Boy, that’s a loaded question, isn’t it? This whole situation is crazy, right? It feels like we’re in a movie or stuck in a bad dream. I wanted to reach out because that’s what I like to do when I know someone is hurting or struggling. This coronavirus pandemic isn’t disappearing from our lives anytime soon, so I think it’s important to connect, encourage, process, and partner with one another while socially distancing and/or self-quarantining as we all work through this chaos one day at a time.
I know everyone has been affected by this one way or another: emotionally, physically, monetarily, and the list goes on. One of the biggest predators of this situation that tends to take over at times of uncertainty is FEAR. Fear leaves us feeling overwhelmed, helpless, confused, and scared. How do we function with so many emotions overtaking our daily lives and ability to keep functioning as a sensible human being? After all, we have a job to do (perhaps you’re working from home now), kids and family to care for, bills to pay, mortgages or rent due.
I am not writing to say that I have the answers and I know how to make it all better and less stressful because I don’t. I am writing you to say, you are not alone. In times such as these, it is so important for all of us show a little more grace, patience, and kindness towards one another. We are on our own journeys, facing obstacles, and just trying to figure out our “new normal” for the time being, but this is a time to also think about the greater good. Fear is a liar. Don’t listen to a word he says. Reach out to someone if YOU need help. Reach out to someone you know needs help. Pray. God is with us.
Fort Worth is an incredible place to live filled with amazing people. We will not let this struggle overtake our warrior spirit, right? RIGHT! Many of us have been through trials that may have seemed bigger than this in our personal lives and look! Here we are, still standing and stronger for it.
This is our opportunity to rise up and be the unstoppable citizens of the world we were made to be. I encourage you to follow the guidelines of what our government has asked us to follow. The sooner we all work together, the sooner we can hopefully move forward and continue to live our lives the way we once knew.
Take care, be of good cheer, and make the most of this forced time off.
Yours in the fight,

Thank you for the encouragement Jennifer.