NEW YEAR…Enough About Me!
For the last week or so I’ve been thinking about where I put my time this year. Why it means so much to me to be busy,to be working,to have my own business. I have a burning desire inside me to do something with my life but I continue to ask myself; is what I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing? I feel like for the last 3 years I have played this one game with myself and it’s always been the “Me” game! Me me and more me- I have all I need, why is it that in my head I think I need to make something for me???
This morning I really asked myself what really mattered. As I asked, the same as always poured out of me: my faith, my relationship with God, and my moments that I have been given. At the end of the day that’s what matters to me, that’s what I value most! But…Does my life reflect that?
I was brought to Haggai chapter 1 while reading the bible and it felt so spot on in my journey to find clarity for my morning : ” you earn wages only to put them in a purse with holes in it” – in this chapter Haggai was called to motivate others to rebuild God’s temple that had been destroyed and was neglected to be rebuilt. While others were busy building their own beautiful homes..God sat back and said, “what about me?” I hear God say this to me now. WHAT ABOUT ME??? Even with my relationship with him, I catch myself over and over again saying, show ME the way, HELP ME….This was a year of wanting success FOR ME, building up myself, for someone to say I WAS GREAT!! to put money in my purse for ME.
What I love most about this scripture is that it really puts into perspective,how as humans, we get caught up in the rat race and so easily forget what we are living for. We are busy building our lives to the point of neglecting the one that gives us life. We all have pressures and demands and time and time again “life” gets in our way expecting us to give our lives to the demands of the world. Maybe you feel like me today, maybe you feel like YOU’re not selfish, YOU give to others, YOU push yourself to the urgent, YOU work hard, but as we push ourselves to the limit of NO TIME and NO ENERGY – soon we are out of both- soon we have neither to give to what is really important. When do we get to the point where we see the YOU/me..WE ARE NOT IMPORTANT!
What is important? Do you know?
It’s crazy when I sit and think about God really being in control. Does it freak you out a little bit? It does me! Why is it so hard to wrap my head around? As I read Haggai this morning I see it’s a message of God is in control! 1:4 says ” you have planted much but you have harvested little, you eat but you never have enough”
When is enough really enough? When do we get to the point that we finally have our plate full enough to open our eyes to what really matters? When do we realize that God is in control of every outcome in our lives? We know how it goes: the more we have, the more we spend. When we have little all we can do is complain and dream of having more! You see, in this chapter, the harder people worked for themselves the less they had…is this not the same today?
Sometimes I feel like when we read the bible we like to think of these times as ancient forgotten times. Times that were different than we live today. While I can not argue that our cultures have shifted, I will say that the world is still the same, sinners living in a world of sin. As the word of God comes alive to me I declare we have the ability to move a true culture shift in Jesus name! Are you with me? Are you ready stop building your “me” house and start building up your relationship with the most high God?
I feel as if this was a year of me, my prayers, my dreams, me trying to figure out me. This year I want it to be a year for Him. I know that starts with my relationship with Him! How am I truly making him #1?
My question for you is; where are your priorities? What is important to you? Is God number 1?
My prayer for you and I both today, is that we see God’s will for our lives. Let’s stop living for a world that puts success before spiritual fulfillment! That we have the faith to put everything aside and trust in Him! That we strip everything from our lives that has replaced Him!
Let this be a year for Him and let’s see if God shows us when enough truly is enough!
Chrissi Shields is the woman behind Styled Chaos. She empowers busy moms to embrace the chaos of life by giving them solutions so they can live beautifully in their homes. Her job is to take the decision-making off your plate. To see you and your family for who you authentically are and to design an inspired space for you that doesn’t eliminate your chaos…it embraces it. Chrissi lives near Fort Worth, Texas with her 2 small children and wonderful husband.