Best. Birthday. Ever.
I failed. Not an easy thing to admit as a person, but when you know, you know. Last year my son helped me plan his birthday party. Beyblades he said. I was sort of familiar, but not like if he had asked me for a super hero or a sports themed party. So I did what any normal somewhat social media savvy mom would do and consulted Pinterest. Here was my big mistake, I allowed my son to help me “pin” ideas. He LOVED it. Of course he did, because there were AMAZING moms on Pinterest making some incredible things happen in the world of Beyblade themed birthday parties. Let’s just say what I attempted to pull off was not “pinworthy” as his expectations were set just a bit too high.
NOT.THIS.YEAR. Not on my watch. But first let me tell you a little bit about my parenting style, because I don’t want you to think for a minute that these little people dictate everything. We get them gifts twice a year, for Christmas and their birthday. Birthdays are special, birthdays are the one day that we like to make it all about them. Recently a good friend suggested I read Love Does by Bob Goff, and if you haven’t read it. GET IT. In it he talks about allowing their children when they turn 10 to pick anything in the world they would like to do. And guess what? He agrees to do anything they want on their 10 year old adventure. The subtitle of the book is Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World, and that friends, is exactly what it’s all about.
Our kids aren’t 10 yet, but this is the type of parent I want to be. I want to show my kids that you can live an extraordinary life. It’s not about having things, or being the best at this or that. It’s about collecting meaningful experiences within the moments that define your life. When my son asked to have a party at a water park I knew I wanted to make that little dream come true. We had never been to Hawaiian Falls, but it came highly recommended because of how family friendly it is, even for our 4 year old twins.
So began the planning of the best birthday party ever. We sent an evite to his buddies and I called in the big guns (my mother-in-law) to help me with the cupcakes. I found out that Hawaiian Falls offers cabana rentals for parties that include all you can drink wristbands, and you can choose to add a combo meal wristband as well. We ordered the works including a shaved ice treat –major sugar overload, but in a very very good way. The date was set and we showed up with towels, cupcakes, balloons, and a sign. Oh and 14 very rambunctious and excited kids ranging in age from 4 to 8.
Do you see that? Do you see that huge smile on his face? #MomWin I’m going to celebrate that win all the way until next year. This was one birthday he will never forget. I think he’ll tell you that his favorite part was having his friends to celebrate it with him. Those boys had a ball. They went up those stairs and down those slides all morning long.
Remember I mentioned bringing in the big guns? I say that because my mother-in-law has a Masters in Ceramics. This sweet grandmother and I spent over 4 hours making Angry Birds themed cupcakes with fondant. It was maybe a bit more than we bargained for but our hard work paid off. The cupcakes looked amazing and then our 4 hours of work turned into 4 minutes of stuffing faces.
My husband is not easy to please. He’s particular. In a good way. Maybe I should say discerning? I think he would approve of that word. So when he said he thinks we should get season passes next summer, I nearly fainted. I was thinking the exact same thing. Hawaiian Falls is a short drive from Tanglewood up 820N off of Clifford Street. The proximity is a big plus as is the variety of activities including their Adventure Park with climbing areas and zip lines.
Here’s the exciting bit! Comment on the blog with your favorite birthday memory (either yours or your child’s) and you are entered to win a Family 4 Pack of 2016 Season Passes. We’ll announce the winner on Sunday night.
I did some investigating on their Facebook page, and it looks like they are having a Flash Sale this weekend with the lowest prices they will have for 2016 Season Passes. This would make a GREAT gift for your own family or for friends who love having adventures in their life.
Mahalo, Hawaiian Falls! We will definitely be back.
Need a birthday party or family portrait photographer? Contact Shelby Walters or visit her Facebook Page for more info!
The contest is now over, Comment #19 won…See below, I have replied to that comment. Thank you all for entering, my favorite part is reading your answers!! xoxoxoxo

Looks like SO MUCH FUN! We bought a season pass to HF this year, and ended up hardly ever using it because of the little babe that needs her naps. I was SO bummed. Hoping next year we can get another and use it tons more! I can’t think of a great bday memory…Ian’s bday is right before Christmas so we always end up with everyone out of town 🙁 I guess celebrating my sweet girl’s 1st bday. My first one-year-old 🙂
My boys both have June birthdays so we have a joint party. But on the morning of their birthday we have a little family party (just the 4 of us) complete with cake, candles and presents in our pjs. Makes me smile just thinking about it!
Love love love Hawaiian Falls! Hope to score the season passes!!
We love Hawaiian Falls and are having my oldest son’s birthday there on Sunday! Can’t wait.
So fun! My favorite birthday was when my friends and I got to go to a local water park where I grew up. I would love for my boys to experience that as well!
We went to Hawaiian Falls for the first time this summer and a season pass will be a must for next year!!! Great experience!! Family friendly!!!
As for a favorite birthday memory…nothing tops last year!!! Husband was out of town on business and the kids wanted to still make it special… They worked very hard (behind closed doors) on a special handmade gift, each one taking 12-15 note cards and writing specific things they love about me or something I do for them that they are thankful for. Then they tied them all together with a great big bow. Sweetest thing ever!!! It filled my heart cup!!!
Jackson had a complete blast! Said it was AWESOME! Thank you Rowan for the invite!
Best memory!
After he got home I noticed he had a mark on his cheek under his eye. I asked what happened and he said he was doing what boys do…..going super fast down the purple slide!! Crack me up! Supported a shiner the next following days!!
We had a huge Nerf gun party. Invitations and a nerf gun were delivered to each friend. We met at our
House and then took then to a park with tons of trees. We had bandanas to tie on their heads and put them on different teams. We changed up the teams and had games for 2 hours. Even set up some games with cups cans to knock over. Fun boy party!
We would love to win season passes! I think one of my favorite parties for my kids was my daughter’s 3rd bday. It was just at our house but we bought a bounce house (which got a lot of use from then on out after several repairs), and with me being a kid at heart and diving into the middle of all of the kids and promptly ripping a huge hole in it with my belt while kids were bouncing. The look of horror as it started deflating on them will forever live in my memory but was so funny! Thankfully it was almost time for cake anyway and I had another fun activity planned so the day was saved and she was non the wiser. 🙂 hehehe
One of my favorite birthday parties growing up was we had the story book tellers come and everyone dressed up as their favorite story book character. It was so much fun. And for my daughters 4th birthday last year we had her party at Young Chefs Academy the kids loved it. She still takes about it and it’s been almost a year ago. Now it’s time to start planning her 5th birthday!! She would love Hawaiin Falls to bad she has a winter birthday!! But would love to win season passes for next summer she loves the water.
My almost 2 & 3 have never had “friend” parties yet but we always do something fun with the limited family we have in the area (2 cousins) and my sister “Auntie” usually flies in. So far we’ve gone to the Riverwalk in San Antonio and done Fossil Rim–and always a dinner out somewhere. For as young as they are, they LOVE going out to eat! They both call any form of cake/cupcake dessert “birthday” no matter the occasion. I never would have considered going to Hawaiian Falls in the near future as my son (the 3) refused to go anywhere near a body of water, save the tub, until just last week…and almost overnight they’re BOTH swimming around by themselves like little fish in their vests. I am over the moon excited!
I’ll reply with a favorite no-fuss party for winter birthdays. My daughter’s bday falls around thanksgiving every year. So for a very reasonable price, I rented table space at Mainstay Farms, and served popcorn (with m&m toppings) and cupcakes. We could invite as many people as we wanted, so her party turned in to a fun family day for most of the kids/families in her class.
What a great party !! I have a 12 year old that would love that !! Sounds like a great family fun water park !!
Growing up, birthdays were always a family thing. Now with 2 kids in Texas and our families are in Florida, out kids have never been able to celebrate their birthdays with the extended family, till this year. We were visiting my family in July and on our last night of vacation, my parents threw a surprise party for my 4 year old who’s birthday was in August. Grandparent, aunts, uncles, nieces, it was perfect!
Love Hawaiian Falls and love that there’s one close now! Totally want these passes 🙂
My 10th birthday was my absolute best one ever! My parents created a treasure hunt that included several neighbor’s homes (inside & out), and the countryside behind our neighborhood. There were awesome prizes at each stop that culminated in a new bike. Mom made homemade ice cream (hand cranked) and coconut bunny cupcakes. It was simple but pure perfection!
I think that is an awesomen stories and fun memories were made. Our daughter is 35 now and living in Denver, so I will pass on the chance to win. Kent a family with young children have a chance. Our daughter was born in January and when she was 4 we had her be party at a theme park and had a blast. When she was in 3rd grade, we rented a room at resident inn and had a slumber party. 12 girls
Hope to do this next year for my August baby!!!
My favorite birthday memory is receiving a Cabbage Patch for my 5th birthday.
Congrats Amy, you won!! I’ll be sending you an email with details tonight. Thank you so much!!
Thanks for sharing! My favorite birthday experience was my son’s first birthday. He was so tired that he fell asleep in his cake.
Awesome job…they are happy boys! Somehow I’ve managed to escape birthday parties with my 3 kiddos, but I have a feeling that might soon change, especially if they saw this post! For each of their birthdays, mom or dad takes them (and maybe a friend) to their favorite restaurant and a night at a hotel. My husband is always in tight with the local hotels due to all his business travelers, so he manages to go to the dollar store or target before and arrange for a ton of fun surprises, notes, and trinkets to be left in the room for their arrival. It’s become quite the tradition in our house!
So loved reading your blog and the excitement for R! I hope a super deserving family wins the passes! You rock V!!
My best birthday was my 30th birthday – a fiesta with 30 of our closest friends. My son will be 6 in April, but I’m sure he’d wait a few weeks to have a water park party!
Great idea! My favorite birthday memory is all the cakes my mom and aunt made for me. Think the 80’s version of Pinterest attempts (carousels, make up boxes, Barbie dresses). Looking at the photos now I can see that none was ever perfect but I didn’t remember them that way – just knew that was how they shared their love!
Favorite birthday memory… taking my kids on their first horseback ride for b-day #6. They LOVED it! They’re ready for swim parties now, though, so on to Hawaiian Falls!
The best birthday my daughter had was one filled solely of family and memories. During an extended family vacation to north Carolina in a beachy house we threw her a small party with cousins surrounding her table. We live in another state away from family so it was one for our books for sure.
My daughter just turned five. She has had her parties so far with family and friends for the early birthdays, and then after that, at a trampoline park and gymnastics place. She had so many sweet friends who love her so much come to her parties- but i still think watching her eat her own chocolate cake on her first birthday was one of the most magical birthday moments she has had. So funny, because I was just telling someone about this last night. She is. A CHOC-O-HOLIC to this day. And her first birthday cake was chocolate, and the look on her face when she tried it…oh man, you could see that something amazing was going on inside her. She was staring at it, licking her hands, and her eyes even became huge. It was like she was having a spiritual experience with the chocolate. It was pure bliss for that little girl!! I am excited and I hope I win! I’ve never been to Hawaiian Falls!!!
We LOVED Hawaiian Falls!!! We went once and HAD to go back a few days later because it was so much fun! Sadly we didn’t find it until the end of the summer and we swore we would have to buy season passes for next summer! I would love love love to win these passes! Glad Rowan had a great party there. I’ll have to check that out, too. My favorite birthday memory was caught on film when I was young, like 4ish. I was holding my cupcake with candles on it while everyone sang happy birthday. I blew the candles out and my sister reached to take one of my candles to lick the icing off and I turned my head, yelling “Noooo!!!” in slow mo! We watch it over and over again all the time as a family and laugh our heads off!
Heart your blog, sweet friend! You are a very talented writer among your other many talents!
Fun article! those cupcakes are genius! my favorite bday memory is jumping out of a plane with my bff for my 36th bday! Best bday present to myself ever!
Love Hawaiian Falls!
My daughter loves having her birthday at The Cheer Connection. 2 hours of having the gym completely to yourself, along with your friends. She loves it so much we’ve done it 2 years in a row. I love it because all I have to do is bring cake and drinks. ?
So fun! Favorite birthday party memory was having the zoo snocone truck show up at our pool party for my daughter’s bday! We still talk about it!
Favorite memory is throwing my son his 9th birthday. He is a unique 9 year old with the heart and my mind of a young child. Love his sweet spirit to the moon and back. Last year he loved everything Elsa…he fell in love with the snow powers Elsa had at Disney World last summer, so for his 9th birthday my husband tracked down a place in Mansfield where we could rent a snow blowing machine. Elsa came and created a snow storm in our backyard in a Texas November. We had snowball fights, snow cones, cotton candy, snow, and Elsa. The look on his face was pure magic, that only Disney is known to create, but we did it! Best birthday party EVER!
My birthday is around Christmas so parties were always tricky. One year, we did a half birthday pool party i. June and I was so excited that every one of my friends could come!
Love HF!!!!
I remember fondly all my roller skating birthday parties growing up!! Would love to win the season pass for my four kiddos as it would be a huge blessing to our family. Thanks for doing a giveaway!!
Since I have only had 2 birthdays for my son thus far, I will share my favorite birthday party as a child, 🙂 It was a luau! I was in 4th grade. My mom was always so good at themed parties. I felt very loved by her efforts and loved getting in bathing suits & grass skirts with friends (in MN in April…50-60 degrees- perfect luau time 😉 )
My favorite birthday memory was definitely my 9th birthday! It was my first slumber party!! I also got to see Garth Brooks the night before at the old Cowboys stadium!! Fun!
My son’s birthday is in January but we plan to celebrate his half birthday at Hawaiian Falls next summer!
That was our first HF experience and it was a huge hit!! Thank you!! My boys now want to have their party at HF.
Those cupcakes look awesome! It looks like you had a great party. Pictures speak a thousand words and these tell a great story.
Would love this for my family for next year! Loved the party pics and ideas too!
We had such fun celebrating my son’s birthday at the playground. Donuts, breakfast tacos, fire trucks and friends!
What a special day! Happy Birthday!! I think my favorite birthday memory growing up was when my mom made me a special birthday cake in the shape of a heart. We went to the grocery store together and got all the ingredients, then came home and I got to help her make it. I loved that cake and I remember that day 30 years later!
My favorite birthday memory is from my 10th birthday. We invited all of the kids from my class to a fun park where we had a giant kickball game, grilled hotdogs and ate cake. It felt like everyone I knew was there, having outdoor fun together. It felt seamless and easy, which I now know means that my parents worked really hard behind the scenes to plan and execute the event.
My kids joint whale birthday party this year was their best so far! Bounce house and water slide combo for the win!
My daughter’s birthday is January 1st and she hates it! Winter break isn’t a good time for parties and everyone is usually out of town! I have always considered doing a half birthday. If I win, I’ll have my daughter’s 11th birthday at Hawaiian Falls and maybe then she will have the Best.Birthday.Ever!! Crossing my fingers:0)
Sounds like a great party at HF! I never let anyone see what I’m attempting from Pininterst since mine falls short of the picture.
I would LOVE this for my twins next year. They will turn 3 and I would love to begin encouraging them to enjoy life to the fullest. I never want my children to think life is about the amount of things we have but I want them to feel special and really enjoy new experiences. What a great article.
Confession: I love water parks as much as the kids!
My favorite birthday was my granddaughters party this year(she turned 7) This year she decided to help those less fortunate than us & asked her guest to bring a donation, in her name to the Birthday Buddies @ Harris Hospital NICU instead of a gift. The money that would have bought her a gift went to the NICU to buy the babies things that they could use. She never once complained about not having gifts. She tooured the NICU & saw some of the things that her donations would buy & LOVED it! She is an AMAZING 7 year old with a HUGE heart.
I have a July birthday so every year I would have a swim party and every year I’d have a cake that looked like a pool! Such fun memories. We went to Hawain Falls on Sunday for Carters bday party and it was a total blast! We were all exhausted and the kids loved it! Those steps (30x) are not for sissies 😉